IELTS精讀課程 (以目標分數8.5 為藍本) 學生經過外籍老師Monique針對考試marking scheme 訓練, IELTS 總分8.5 ; 入讀神科,或海外升學,IELTS 7.0必備! 課程對象: - 中四、中五、應屆文憑試考生、副學士,準備報考IELTS Exam 作升學 (Academic) 用途 - 特別針對幾類考生要一take 過達到標把分數 - 全卷7分以上報讀英國或其他
s教學進修 / 補習starleague2018

PMEG Academy 中心四大導師均畢業於世界排名十大大學學院*, 主修其任教科目並持相關工作經驗。並具多年教授IB, GCE, AP課程經驗及為相關科目之本地/英國準大學生提供預備課程。學生來自各大名校及頂級學府 包括: Diocesan Boys School, ISLAND SCHOOL, St. Paul’s Co-ed, Harrow School, Concord College.
P教學進修 / 補習PMEG Academy

IB tutor, GCE tutor, A level tutori, GCSE tutor, oxford tutor, ib tutorial centre hk, ib tutorial centre, gce psychology, GCE tutorial centre, A level tutorial centre

Cute Poodle Puppies for Adoption the I have have Healthy Poodle Puppies here Wallpaper for Adoption. They are Home and Potty trained. THESE Puppies are VET the checked and have have HAD All Their Sho

Cute Poodle Puppies for Adoption I have healthy Poodle puppies here for adoption. They are home and potty trained. These puppies are vet checked and have had all their shots. Each puppy will be joini

全職私人補習導師 - Private Tutor ( 化學補習、物理補習 、 數學補習 )、畢業(2012)於英國倫敦帝國學院(Imperial College London)世界排行第6,主修化學(Major Chemistry), 副修物理(Physics)及化學工程(chemical engineering)並獲得(2.1 honours degree)。 憑着豐富經驗並提供學生大量訓
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker8


I am a freelance translator. My Profile: Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, Gordon University, UK Master of English Language and Literature, Gordon University, UK Senior Lecturer i
m商業 / 撰稿mervyn

你好, 本人為中文大學醫科生 DSE成績為 7科44分 Best5 34分 有三年高中補習經驗 DSE中文著重方法技巧 是短時間最能夠提高的一科 本人高考中文A DSE中文5** 證明中文成績並非僥倖 有技巧 佳績就係必然 DSE理科則著重慨念 唔識得讀書方法 溫幾多都冇用 我會先簡單介紹每一課的重點 唔識點都會教到明 再因應學生的目標 從PastPaper中學習解題及答題之
o教學進修 / 補習oliver.kwok.16

With over 20 years of experience in Hong Kong, Adecco is well positioned to assist organisations in building successful teams and to help individuals progress in their careers. Adecco is the leading H

This is our belief when we started our own business, a vision to walk with you in this ever vibrant property market. We are here for long term, with aim to minimize customer time for searching, findi

NEW! NEW! NEW! Brand New “Chianti” Now Selling! There are five buildings comprising 530 units. Size range from approximately 633sq.ft. to 2400sq.ft. Features include one to four bedrooms,
C物業地產 / 地產代理公司Century 21 Newcourt Realty

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商業 / 清潔及滅蟲一峯專業清潔服務公司

background... TechToLink was founded in 1994 in Hong Kong, with the mission of providing high quality system consulting services with an emphasis on PC and networked PC applications. Over the years t
T手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Tech To Link Company

Creature Comforts is a fully equipped Veterinary Housecall Practice. Operating in a custom designed vehicle and with the backing of our own state-of-the-art veterinary hospital, Creature Comforts can
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Who we are? A World Class Environmental and Health-care Products' Distributor. The core business focuses mainly on distributorship and marketing of various environmental and health care consumer &amp
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